Re-weaving is a process to repair /disappear the greige fabric defects, so the greige fabric have a pass to sending to the customer, blade on the re-weaving machine have a purpose as a fabric permer back to be a yarn, so the filling yarn can loose and change the fabric back to the yarn. This study is based because often occur the failure in the re-weaving machine, this study use by fishbone method, got from top 5 problem of failure machines dates on 2016-2018, among others broken blade (28,57%), broken pawl (14,28%), broken take up frame (21,42%), broken rubber roll (21,42%), and broken harness frame (14,28%). From this fishbone method, found the abnormal on the re-weaving machine blade is misalignment, that occurs in the flange, who connect the couping and the shaft blade, the result of this study about the broken of re-weaving machine omni plus TC800 blade be solved by repairing with welding/changing and then modificated by re-design the blade as it is image 4.