The conveyor belt is moving material from one location to another. Material of coal is one example of the material shaped bulk that can be transported by conveyor belts in the process of maintaining the relative availability of supply of coal to the Boiler as its fuel. Based on the data field of the current line, conveyor belt on PLTU Paiton unit 9 has only one path so that required the addition of conveyor lines as a means of redundancies. The purpose of this study is to know the specifications of the components of the conveyor belt adding 1B - 2B PLTU Paiton Unit 9. Therefore, please note the speed and width of conveyor belt 1B - 2B. So that it can determine the value of the capacity and large power belt conveyor belts used in the 1B - 2B. For methods of solving problems in the form of calculation of conveyor lines, study of literature on the calculation of the capacity and power of the motor on belt conveyor design and data collection, the actual conveyor belt 1B - 2B, interviews and discussion with parties who have been bekompeten. After the calculation is performed against specification belt conveyor on line 1B - 2B in the get capacity belt (1,500 ton/seconds), the width of the belt (1400 mm), speed of the belt (2.5 m/s) for conveyor belt 1B-2B in accordance with the recommendation of the conveyor belt specifications line 1A-2A can be a tool for redundancies in the Paiton PLTU Unit 9