One alternative energy that can be used is wind energy. Wind power is a method to generate electrical energy by turning the turbine shaft ressulting force form wind energy. The purpose of this final task is to test and analyze the performance of multilevel transmission with arduino in horizontal wind turbine. By knowing fluctuted wind speed, it takes effort to adjust the wind speed with a wind turbine using multilevel transmission. This transmission serves to change the speed and energy of the rotation form the driving gear to the moving gear, at low speed winds and turbine run in low spins, the wind tubrin is able to sustain the work so that turbine spin energy is still capable of turning the generator. This transmission is equipped with an arduino as a receiver input in the form of rpm to give commands so that transmission can move from one level to the next level This final project is expected to provide a renewable energy alternative that can be a learning for students and alternative energy sources for the community to create a wind power plant